Ad verba per numeros

Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 09:32 PM
Leo en el blog de Jon Udell la que fue mi razón fundamental para iniciar este blog: optimizar el tiempo que paso escribiendo maximizando la audiencia. Él lo expresa mucho mejor que yo:

[...] I still find it useful to think of keystroke output as a scarce resource, the use of which can (and should) be optimized. Blogging is a key part of that optimization, though I don’t think many people see it that way yet.

When people tell me they’re too busy to blog, I ask them to count up their output of keystrokes. How many of those keystrokes flow into email messages? Most. How many people receive those email messages? Few. How many people could usefully benefit from those messages, now or later? More than a few, maybe a lot more.

From this perspective, blogging is a communication pattern that optimizes for the amount of awareness and influence that each keystroke can possibly yield. Some topics, of course, are necessarily private and interpersonal. But a surprising amount of business communication is potentially broader in scope
